
Just do your best

Just do your best

Life can never be perfect.

You may have a great meal but not a COACH purse.
You may have a nice dress but not a luxury necklace.
You may have a good car but not a huge hot tub.
You may have a comfortable house but not a million dollars.
You may have a right career but a lousy colleague.

What can you do? Life is just never meant to be perfect!

Focus on the good part and try your best to be a better person. Don't worry about how other people think of you because you are the only one who can judge the value of your life.

For those people who let you down or get you in trouble, all you can do is to take it as a challenge or an experience of the real world. A challenge will make you grow to strong, and experience will help you achieve a better life style. Just be patient and wait: everything happens for a reason; you are about to figure out the reason soon or later!

Be a better person each day, and think positive every minute. Life is not perfect, but you can make it better.

Fanny Chen

  • qqwry 經驗 +20 nice 2012-9-1 16:41
  • qqwry 金幣 +20 nice 2012-9-1 16:41
  • qqwry 威望 +1 nice 2012-9-1 16:41


Thank you. I got it.




i believe i can fly

i believe i can touch the sky

try my best  to do everything!!!  be tired , be strong


It is very difficult to think positive at any time. But we should try our best to do it.


Well..Keeping positivity is easier said than done. What I do normally is to accomplish little goals that I have set for myself everyday, like lighting a candle, painting and having a walk. The big important goals give you pressure but It's the little things that keep you motivated and occupied!


