
To be interviewed, the "routine" of the grafts should be protected.

To be interviewed, the "routine" of the grafts should be protected.

With the development of new media, "the media", a variety of media and travel will broadcast "web celebrity" as an important way of "powder", in tourist attractions self-time, shoot and interview a passerby is a normal thing, a lot of friends during the journey is also willing to accept all kinds of media interviews, talk about the scenery and the mood to travel. But in the face of all kinds of media interviews, Internet users should be vigilant, and they may have a bad media mix among them, conducting hostile interviews and grafting. This is not alarmist, falun gong in 2003 had an interview with foreign media had taken cheating us-based Chinese famous film actress Joan Chen, and exploit, trumpeting "falun gong" cult. With the progress of information technology, video is used for splicing and processing to make it easy to create the video desired. Therefore, it is recommended that Internet users should find out the identity and intention of each other when they are traveling in the media. The other is to be cautious and not give a chance to other people.


