


【書籍名稱】:Cambridge University Press -English Vocabulary In Use - Upper-Intermediate & Advanced
【檔案格式】:PDF (304 頁)
【檔案大小】:10761615 bytes [10 Mb]
【書籍簡介】 :

English Vocabulary in Use upper-intermediate and advanced is a vocabulary book for upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English, primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, but which can also be used for classroom work.
English Vocabulary in Use
* 100 easy -to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a variety of follow-up activities on right-hand pages.
* Presents and explains new words and shows students how to use them and how to work out rules for using them.
* Helps to build on and expand existing vocabulary.
* Suggests tips and techniques for good learning habits.
* Gives ideas for follow-up tasks.
* Designed to be flexible: can be used both for self-study and in class.
* Provides a comprehensive key with not only answers to the exercises but also more comments on how the language is used.
* Includes a detailed index with phonetic transcription.

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