
How to Manage Your Boss(如何管理你的老闆)


How to Manage Your Boss(如何管理你的老闆)

It's one of the most common questions I hear: 'How can I influence my boss? How can I manage up?'

My response disappoints people who are looking for a subtle, clever interpersonal strategy for manipulating a manager. I put the onus right back on the employee.

Anyone who wants to influence their boss has to start by accepting that the manager actually does want to do better. Many employees seem to think their bosses have no desire to improve. How do I know this? Because whenever I ask mid-level managers if they want to improve their management skills, and if they are open to suggestions, they say yes. Most of them genuinely seem to mean it. But when I ask if they think their bosses share that desire for improvement and feedback, they usually give me a skeptical look and shake their heads -- without realizing the contradiction of their response.

This discrepancy can be attributed to the fundamental attribution error, a concept I learned in a social psychology class I took in college. According to the theory, we tend to assume that other people's faults stem from internal, fundamental flaws. But we attribute our own faults to temporary environmental factors. For instance, when our boss manages poorly, we believe that he does it because he intends to and is inherently a bad leader. When we manage poorly, we're simply making a mistake because of the pressure we're under.
這一雙重標準可以用「基本歸因錯誤」(fundamental attribution error)理論來解釋﹐這是我在大學的社會心理學課上學到的。 根據該理論﹐人們往往會把別人犯的錯誤歸咎於其內在的劣根性﹐而把自己犯的錯誤歸咎於臨時性的外部因素。舉例而言﹐當上級管理不當時﹐我們會認為這是故意所為﹐他本來就當不了好領導﹔而當我們自己管理不當時﹐只會覺得這是因為壓力太大﹐犯了個錯誤而已。

Of course, this makes no sense. Until we realize and address our natural but dangerous biases, we won't be able to give our managers the benefit of the doubt and accept that they are really open to our suggestions for improvement. When we do that, we can move on to the second step of managing upward: Taking the right approach.

The key to doing this second step right is mastering something I call the 'kind truth.' To understand the kind truth approach, it is helpful to look at the two most ineffective standard approaches.
做好第二步的關鍵是掌握一種我稱之為「善意真相」(kind truth)的東西。為理解這種做法﹐我們首先來看兩種最難產生效果的一般方式。

The 'activist' method is best demonstrated when a frustrated employee charges into the manager's office as a self-appointed representative of the people, defiant and determined to put the clueless leader in his place. This often works on television and in movies, but in reality it is usually ineffective. It puts the leader in an extremely difficult situation, forced to choose between defending himself in the face of an apparent revolt and cowering under pressure. Most leaders with any pride will choose to defend.

The other approach that doesn't work is the sycophantic method, whereby a well-intentioned employee ingratiates himself to the leader by regularly agreeing with him and telling him how wonderful he is, with the intention of one day slipping in helpful and subtle suggestions for improvement. This doesn't work because subordinates who suddenly find themselves in the good graces of a boss quickly realize that they like their new status. So they balk when it comes to being honest and putting their improved position at risk. And their boss isn't usually going to beg them to be tough on him, happy to have new friends.

The best approach, the kind truth method, involves honestly empathizing with the manager's situation, and expressing that empathy. By appreciating what the manager is facing and why he might be struggling, you open him up to hearing a well-intentioned suggestion about how he can do a better job.
最佳的做法是「善意真相」方式﹐這要求員工設身處地為上司考慮﹐並表達出這種感受。 當上級感覺到你理解他身處的環境和面臨的問題時﹐就會敞開心扉﹐接受善意的建議﹐改進自己的工作。

How do I know this works? Because for many years I used it and found myself rewarded for doing so by my superiors. I was the guy that people pushed into the CEO's office and said, 'You tell him!' Virtually every time I spoke the kind truth, I found that the CEO listened to me and heeded my advice. Over time I found that he started turning to me. He knew I wouldn't rant and rave at him, nor kiss up. Instead, I would offer candid, helpful advice.

What if this approach doesn't work for you? What if you are punished or shunned for this? That is probably a good sign that it's time to polish your resume, without guilt or second thoughts, and find someone new who is open to being upwardly managed.


改成如何向老闆提出建議? 好像比較妥當
所以根本不可能也不敢去想 "管理"老闆
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Thanks for sharing!!!


