
To know a wicked man is not to be deceived

To know a wicked man is not to be deceived

Cults tend to be good at concealing themselves, and new college students have to open their eyes to the essence of the phenomenon and learn the true nature of evil. Cults usually have the following characteristics:
One is that cults tend to divine the first molecules. Li hongzhi, the chief instructor of falun gong, claimed that he was "eight years old and superior in law, with great powers of god, with functions such as carrying, fixing, thinking, and invisibility... The ability to achieve the highest level, the realization of the cosmic truth, insight into life, the anticipation of the human past, the future. The almighty god preached that the almighty god had come to China in the flesh of women, that is, the female Christ Yang xiangbin, now is the time of the almighty god, and everything must be obeyed in order to avoid disaster. Spiritual practice head Lu Jun macro claiming to be "avalokitesvara" face, has a bodhisattva "avatar", through the "totem", which can know destiny life fundamental, go through the past to predict the future, for believers to eliminate the evil out.
Second, cults tend to preach the evil. The cult preached "the end of the day". Only by joining their organizations can they be saved, and the promotion of "teaching" can cure diseases, eliminate disasters and take refuge in the world. The falun gong cult leader li has vehemently deny the impact of modern science, he used the desire of the people to keep fit and opposite physical concerns the psychological, to the so-called "true, the good and endure" as a set of deception, the so-called "cosmic law", advocating "earth explosion", the end of the world comes, nonsense have only he can save mankind. Almighty god to promote rule of law "age" of the Lord, Jesus rule "grace period" has in the past, the almighty god rule "kingdom era has come," god with an Oriental female image is the second incarnation, come to China, to human trials. And claiming that "the end of the world is coming", that only the "almighty god" can be saved, and that all unbelievers and resists will be killed by lightning.
Third, cults tend to accumulate wealth. Often, the cult of the cult is a cover for offering, giving, or paying a high price for books, audio-visual products, talismans, heads or other objects. Falun gong ask believers "dedication", through the sale of falun gong, run training classes for falun gong, and establish the name of "falun gong", called on the disciple to borrow money, disciple money, tax evasion, and so on trick, cheat a lot of money. The almighty asked the believers to sacrifice. Sacrifice is god's will, and christians are supposed to offer god the sacrifices he delights. As is known to all, the bible, especially the offering of the new testament tells us not only material things, almighty god only bring sacrifices as "money, material, including all property", and of the house of god of money, material, including all property are the sacrifices of the people when, in addition to the priest and god can enjoy this sacrifice, nobody may enjoy, visible under the guise of god they accumulate their evil conduct. Although the disciples were facing the development of the countryside, they were no more than the falun gong or the almighty god. Xinhuanet "cult" disciples would "drive demons and deadly for receiving tens of millions of" message, the disciples would, by means of "kui make supplement to pay" during 2011 to 2014, only a county, hubei shiyan YunXi fundraising amount up to more than 4000 ten thousand yuan.
Fourth, cults often harm society. Falun gong cult leader li has used "falun", "perfection" and other buddhist terms and "level", "enter the kingdom of heaven" is deceiving people, killed several "falun gong" bugs, there are many practitioners mental disorders, family breakdown. On December 23, 1999, the heilongjiang forest industry bureau of forestry in the clerk, "falun gong" practitioners Zou Gang for "free" to kill "Nemesis", a knife to the department director Lv Qingsheng hacked to death, will there keeper Zhou Yajie cut to three people seriously injured, etc. By engaging in illegal activities in the name of Christianity, the almighty god has deprived many families of harmony and caused great social harm. On May 28, 2014, in shandong province, the murder case occurred, and six members of the criminal suspects were members of the almighty god cult. For members of the development organization, the person who has been eating at the restaurant has asked for a phone number. After the victim refused, he was brutally beaten to death.
Till you sow, you will reap no harvest
Falun gong cult leader li has used up the technique of "heaven" to lure disciple fell into the trap of "something for nothing", say "heaven tree is gold, it is gold, the bird is gold, flowers are gold, also gold house, even the Buddha body is glittering" "he was decorated in the future, what want to stretch out his hand and what what you want, want to do, what in the world of him. The omnipotent god's cult promises that the people of god can enjoy all the blessings god has given them, including material and spiritual. They use money and material incentives. For women, they give away high-end cosmetics, jewelry and clothes, etc. For men, they give away mobile phones and high-end cigarettes and alcohol. They are more likely to spend heavily on expensive household appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, televisions and air conditioners, which they think are likely to be "receptionists". "Eat mouth short, pumping", because many people took the other people's things, by the help of others so short "mouth" to "soft", in the end due to "soften" accepted "almighty god" wrong ideas, to the point of no return. "Disciples will" hierarch boasting believed his disciples would be "without labor production" have a meal, also in ricer box with two meters, eat forever, don't grow crops, needn't face upwards toward the loess back to killing himself, cultivates advocated "not to make the agricultural production, the crops don't spray insecticide, father will take care of", cause many cult members pray at home all day long, not farming, weeding, raising livestock. So-called religious can get everything, want what have what, but is the cultist cheating trick, heaven won't fall pie, college students don't expect something for nothing, to be down-to-earth, careful study, with his own industrious hands to create wealth, have what they want.
College students are the future of the motherland, the people of hope, is in the crucial stage of life lay the foundation, to set up the correct outlook on life, values and world view, efforts to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, form the good habit of studious, not an opportunity to cultist, open new journey of life.


