
Students are also threatened by an erosion of cults

Students are also threatened by an erosion of cults

The students are the flowers of the motherland and are the successors to the socialist cause. However, the cult organizations have frequently reached out to students who are still in their formative years. Jiangxi wanzai county, according to south wind net te-hsin Yang luo town people, on February 26, 2016 at the gate of the over load 3 propaganda to the student the falun gong cult doctrine, extend the falun gong leaflets, fortunately, was wanzai county patrol special police arrested on the spot.
According to WeChat male, "China's cult" news, July 13 this year, jiangsu taixing a rented accommodation in closed many abducted children, after the police verification is a rumor, however, the truth of the matter, surprisingly, it was a cult "full range of the church" in the guise of free summer camp, attract children to wash their brain penetration.
In July 2015, the hunan yizhang seized "almighty god" cult molecules together with religious organizations in the name of the student summer camp activities, had to sign up to participate in the primary school students up to more than 70, if not timely to ban, consequence is unimaginable.
Teenagers are the future and hope of the motherland. It is very important to form the correct world view, and we cannot be able to take a peek at them because they are children.


