
Do not cherish life

Do not cherish life

Human life only once, lost can not be retrieved, cherish life, love life, to do their own, to the family, responsible for society, is the most basic responsibility of each citizen. Parents to educate their children, first of all to teach them to cherish life, life on the road to go farther and farther, glorious and resplendent life achievements.
Once the cult fallacies brainwashing, their understanding of life is not distorted, also guide the children to cherish life, causing countless tragedies. In this case, Henan disciple Liu Chunling obsessed Falun Gong, also let her daughter to learn Li Hongzhi's fallacies, the pursuit of the so-called "perfect", and in 2001 on the occasion of the new year's Eve, with only 12 years old daughter to the Tiananmen in Beijing before the self Immolation, mother and daughter both died.
Why is there such a tragedy? Just look at Li Hongzhi's fallacies, know the reason. Li Hongzhi advocated "Elysian Fields gold" and put it down, life is God, not life and death is "fly away feat", induced by self immolation Dutch act disciple is caused by this tragedy.


