
Easy Ways to Improve Your Vision(附中文翻譯)


Easy Ways to Improve Your Vision(附中文翻譯)

Easy Ways to Improve Your Vision  Learn how to keep your eyes in tiptop shape.

A Marvelous Sense
They are two of your most precious possessions, but chances are, you take your eyes for granted. Most of us do. But think for a second what life would be like without being able to gaze on your grandchild or your flower garden or even navigate the kitchen without incident.

Prevent Blindness America, a nonprofit organization dedicated to vision issues, estimates that 50,000 people lose their sight needlessly every year and that 80 million Americans are at risk of eye diseases that can lead to low vision and even blindness.

The good news: The most common diseases -- age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye disease -- are all preventable to some extent. Read on to see (pun intended) how you can get Stealth Healthy protection for your peepers. Before we go any further, we have to tell you that the first step, if you smoke, is to stop. Smoking increases your risk of cataracts, glaucoma, dry eyes, and age-related macular degeneration.

80 million Americans are at risk of eye diseases that can lead to low vision and even blindness.
1. Mix a cup of blueberries with a cup of yogurt for breakfast this morning.Blueberries are one of the richest fruit forms of antioxidants, and a study published inThe Archives of Ophthalmologyfound that women and men who ate the greatest amount of fruit were the least likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the leading cause of blindness in older people.

2. Spread bilberry jam on your morning toast.Or take a bilberry supplement every morning. The berries contain compounds called anthocyanosides, which may protect the retina against macular degeneration.

3. Have spinach twice a week.Could be a spinach quiche, steamed spinach, or maybe Tuscan spinach -- sautéed in some olive oil with garlic and raisins. Regardless, be sure to get your spinach. Studies find that lutein, a nutrient that is particularly abundant in spinach, may prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Ideally, get your lutein in combination with some form of fat (olive oil works great) for the best absorption.

4. Cook with red onions, not yellow.Red onions contain far more quercetin, an antioxidant that is thought to protect against cataracts.

5. Aim your car vents at your feet -- not your eyes.Dry, air-conditioned air will suck the moisture out of eyes like a sponge. Aim the vents in your car away from your eyes, or wear sunglasses as a shield. Dry eyes can be more than an inconvenience; serious dryness can lead tocorneal abrasions and even blindness if left untreated.

6. Move your computer screen to just below eye level.Your eyes will close slightly when you're staring at the computer, minimizing fluid evaporation and the risk of dry eye syndrome, says John Sheppard, M.D., who directs the ophthalmology residency program at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia.

7. Take a multivitamin every day.Make it a habit, like brushing your teeth. A major study suggested that if every American at risk for age-related macular degeneration took daily supplements of antioxidant vitamins and zinc, more than 300,000 people could avoid ARMD-associated vision loss over the next five years. Other studies find that women who took vitamin C supplements for at least 10 years were 77 percent less likely to show initial signs of cataracts than those who took no supplemental C. So take a multi with at least 150 mg vitamin C, or take a separate C supplement.

8. Walk at least four times a week.Some evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce the intraocular pressure, or IOP, in people with glaucoma. In one study, glaucoma patients who walked briskly four times per week for 40 minutes lowered their IOP enough so they could stop taking medication for their condition. It's also possible -- although there's no proof yet -- that walking could also reduce your overall risk of developing glaucoma.

9. Eat fish twice a week.A study from Harvard researchers presented at the 2003 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology's annual meeting evaluated the diets of 32,470 women and found those who ate the least amount of fish (thus getting the least amount of omega-3 fatty acids) had the highest risk of dry eye syndrome. Even tuna fish (yes, the kind that comes in a can) protected against the syndrome. If you can't stand fish, or are worried about mercury consumption, try fish-oil supplements to get your omega-3s.

10. Twice a week, walk away from greasy or sweet snacks.A 2001 study found that people whose diets were high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in omega-6 fatty acids (found in many fat-filled snack foods like commercially prepared pie, cake, cookies, and potato chips) were significantly less likely to develop ARMD than those whose diets were high in omega-6 fatty acids and low in omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, if your diet was high in omega-6 at all -- even if you still ate plenty of fish -- the protective effects of the omega-3 fatty acids disappeared.

11. Have sweet potatoes for dinner tonight.Since they are rich in vitamin A, these sweet spuds can help improve your night vision.

12. Turn down the heat in your house.Heat dries out the air, which, in turn, dries out your eyes. In the winter, you might also try adding some humidity with a humidifier or even bunching a lot of plants together in the room in which you spend the most time.

[ 本帖最後由 子羽 於 2009-1-11 23:43 編輯 ]
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1 早餐喝一杯混合有藍莓的酸奶。藍莓是一種富含抗氧化劑的水果,眼科的相關研究的結果發現,吃大量的水果的人,得老年視網膜黃斑性病變(ARMD,老年人首位致盲原因)的風險最小。

2 在你的吐司裡面塗上覆盆子醬,或每天早晨吃一個覆盆子。這種漿果含有的稱為花氰氧化物的化合物,可組織視網膜出現黃斑性病變。

3 一周吃兩次菠菜,可以是一個菠菜蛋糕,蒸菠菜,或者混合著橄欖油,大蒜和葡萄乾的托斯卡納菠菜降。不管,一定要吃菠菜。研究發現,菠菜含有特別豐富的葉黃素,可預防老年視網膜黃斑性病變和白內障。理想情況下,讓您的葉黃素結合某種形式的油脂(橄欖油的就很好),可以更好的吸收。


5 將你的汽車排氣口瞄準您的腳-而不是你的眼睛。乾燥,空調的冷氣,將吹乾眼睛裡的水分,吹得眼睛像一塊海綿。將你的汽車排氣口遠離你的眼睛,或戴上太陽鏡擋一下。眼干,可不僅僅是感覺不舒服的事情,嚴重的乾裂可導致角膜擦傷,如果不加以治療甚至失明。

6 移動你的電腦屏幕略低於視線水平線。John Sheppard博士指出(東弗吉尼亞醫學院的眼科住院部主任醫師):當你盯著電腦時,你的眼睛會稍微閉合,盡量降低眼睛水分的蒸發和干眼綜合征的風險,

7 每天服用多種維生素,使它像刷牙一樣成為習慣。一項研究表明,如果每一個處於老年視網膜黃斑性危險的美國人,每天補充抗氧化維生素和鋅,在未來五年內有超過30萬人可避免與之相關的視力喪失。其他研究發現,服用維生素補充劑至少10年的女性,比那些沒有補充的表現出白內障初步跡象的女性數量減少了77%。所以服用多種維生素與至少150毫克維生素C,或單獨補充Vc。


9 每週吃魚兩次。哈佛大學研究人員在2003年視覺和眼科協會的年度會議上評估了32470女性的飲食,並發現那些吃最少量的魚(從而獲得最少量的 -3不飽和脂肪酸)的人有最高風險的干眼綜合征。甚至鮪魚(是的,那種在罐頭裡的魚)也可以保護你免受干眼綜合征。如果你不喜歡吃魚,或是擔心汞污染,嘗試魚油補充您的奧米加3。




13 出門的時候戴上太陽眼鏡。研究人員調查了在切薩皮克灣的漁民暴露於日光和患白內障或之間的關係,保護自己的眼睛的漁民,免受了刺眼的太陽光及其破壞性的紫外線,明顯比那些沒有保護眼睛的漁民出現病患的機率小得多。戴上太陽眼鏡,甚至在並不是陽光很刺眼的時候,Sheppard博士表示。他們保護您的眼睛,免受乾燥的風的影響。


15 選擇一些南方的綠色蔬菜,因為他們富含葉黃素及玉米黃質,綠色蔬菜像甘藍和芥藍(輕輕一蒸,加上辣椒和醋就非常美味),可降低得白內障和ARMD的風險,甚至即使你已經得了這種病,也會延緩進一步的發展。這兩種蔬菜有強烈的抗氧化性能,可以幫助修復一些損害引發兩種疾病的機制。



18 輕敷茉莉花精油,薄荷,香草在你的手臂,並不時的嗅一嗅。味覺研究員Alan R. Hirsch(醫學博士,芝加哥嗅覺和味覺治療研究基金會)說,茉莉花,增加了在大腦額葉的β波,促進清醒,使你把精力更集中,感官更敏銳。所有這三個香味刺激大腦邊緣系統,這最終,又刺激眼中的桿狀細胞,這有利於在弱光環境中看清物體。










