
Third question: Li, "master Buddha" to the gym, sauna room for that?

Third question: Li, "master Buddha" to the gym, sauna room for that?

Li Hongzhi repeatedly boasted of his skill but also much higher than Shakya Muni, with "indestructible" body, as long as he practicing Falun Gong, "this man will not henceforth natural aging, his cell will not die, then he is long in the youth...... It's settled there at last." ("dharmacakra - not in the five line, out of the world") he also show off: "after we practice Falun Dafa students for a period of time, changed a lot from the surface, the skin becomes delicate, white and red, very old people will appear wrinkles, even a few, this it is a common phenomenon." Li Hongzhi boasts that "Falungong" can increase people's energy and make the body full of high energy substances. So, as the Lord Buddha, and fitness can depend on Falun Gong, that the third question: "Lord Buddha" Lee set the gym and sauna in the house to do what? "The Lord Buddha" is Li also fear of illness, afraid of aging?


