
After the mountain

After the mountain

Commitment to disciples "ten years of Fa-rectification, ten years of success." To the 2002 years (Lee's "law" ten years), "personal success" (that is, the disciples of individual practitioners successful) not only did not honor, but turned into a "full life" (that is, all the people outside the Falun Gong Truth ", also known as" save people "), after 2006 and promoted to" the universe is complete "(that is, save the" layers of the universe "in the" no immeasurable life "). These "jurisprudence" in Li Hongzhi's "North American Act (2002)", "New York Fa Fa (September 5, 2010)", "Twenty Years of Faith (May 13, 2012)" The text has repeatedly said. And "satisfactory" but never honored, it is only trick and control disciples of bait.
Li Hongzhi instigated his disciples to do anything against China, such as: "on the mainland" to "tell the truth, engage in three retreats" illegal activities, in the overseas interference with the Chinese government's Foreign affairs activities, fabricated propaganda "live excuse" rumors, support for Taiwan independence, against China's bid to host the Olympic Games, etc., Falun Gong cult became the Western anti-China forces horse pawn. What can be the result? China has become the world's most powerful force, has become the most influential international giants in the world, China's reform and opening up after the speed and strong national strength to the attention of the world! In contrast, Falun Gong cults are deadly, struggling to save, and increasingly infamous, making Lee "Lord Buddha" in the failure of the panic can not be all day long.
It is in this decadent trend, Li Hongzhi attempt to "charm" to save its cult mission, since the name of "Chinese traditional culture" signs can win the favor of foreigners, which can Gouyan asthma. However, the twenty years of Falun Gong's misdeeds have told the people of the world that cults are cults, no matter how gorgeous coats are wrapped, still can not change the nature of cults. Like a large gray wolf put on a jacket dressed as "wolf mother", can be nature or to eat!


