
[原創] [常春藤解析英語9月號](ISO@繁中@594.3MB@銀牌@tn00626238)


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Finding Himself--印度之旅[看一名台灣青年如何在印度之旅中尋找自我]
We Love Wii--大家都愛Wii
Doraemon Forever--永遠的哆啦A夢
Situation Critical--十萬火急

                          Finding Himself
  In the rural city of Kochi in Kerala, India, Michael Cheng felt that he wasn't experiencing the real India. He was far away from the comfort and technology of his home in Taiwan. Yet, he was staying at a house that had a car and a driveway. These are luxuries that only a few can afford in India. He kindly asked the family he was with if he could live as most Indians live.
  They consented to his request and Michael got to live with a new family who made a living by fishing. Every day, Michael would go with them to work and do what they did, catching and cleaning fish. He would bathe in the river because that was the only water they had. When he had the soap on his body, a lot of small fish would come bite him and Michael said it felt like a massage.
  Inside their house, everyone slept on mats that were on a dirt floor. However, there was one thing that looked out of place---a big recliner in the middle of the living room. Michael asked one of the kids, "Why do you have such a nice chair when all of the other things in the house are old?" One of the sons answered, "My father said that we have to have something nice in case we ever have a visitor. Would you please honor our family and sit in the chair?" At that moment, Michael learned that in India, a guest is a god.


