
[分享]Longman English Grammar Practice. For intermediate students

[分享]Longman English Grammar Practice. For intermediate students

【書籍名稱】:Longman English Grammar Practice. For intermediate students
【檔案大小】:8.25 MB (259頁)
【書籍簡介】 :

This book provides grammar exercises for students working on their own, with an integrated key at the back for reference. The book can be used in any order depending on the personal needs of the students and the exercises are not arranged in order of increasing difficulty, but are marked with asterisks to indicate their relative degree of difficulty. Each major grammar point is dealt with on facing pages and the information is given in small manageable amounts with notes on the point to be practised followed by an exercise on it. The last exercise on each point is in context with an illustrated story to show how the language works. Cross references are given to similar points in the book or to more notes in "Longman English Grammar".

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