



at the drop of a hat 馬上
at times 有時;偶然
at your disposal 聽你的
aware of, be 瞭解
B.T.O. (big time operator) 遊手好閒的人
babes and suckings 天真而缺乏經驗者
baby-kisser 為達到競選目的出盡八寶的政客
bachelor party 單身會
back and forth 來來去去
back at the farm 言歸正傳
back number 過期的雜誌;守舊派
back on one's feet 經受打擊後重新站起來
back out 食言
backseat driver 指手劃腳的人
bad egg(lot) 壞蛋
bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人
bake down 臨陣退縮
barking up the wrong tree 攻擊錯了目標
barter away 以較便宜的價格出售
bawl out 責罵
Be a good sport! 不要婆婆媽媽的!
be nuts 傻裏傻氣
be off 走吧;滾蛋
Be off! 滾開!
be on the wagon 喝酒
bear in mind 牢記在心
beat around the bush 說話繞圈子
beat it 走開
beat one's brains (out) 傷透了腦筋
beat sb by miles 遠遠勝過
beat, be 太累了
beef about 抱怨
beef up 加強
before you are scheduled to leave 在你決定離開之時間前
Before you could say Jack Robinson 很快
before you know it 很快
behave yourself 請檢點一點
behind bars 坐牢
behind one's back 背後
behind the scenes(curtain) 在幕後
behind the times 不合時宜
behind time 誤期
believe it or not 信不信由你
benefit from 從中得到
best-seller 暢銷書、唱片等
bet it is 當然是
better half 老婆
better luck next time 下次好運些吧
better than, be 比...多;多於
between my ribs and my back bone 肚子
beyond one's reach of 超出支付能力
beyond sb, be 使某人無法理解
big bluffer 吹牛者
bite one's head off 大發脾氣
black and blue 遍體鱗傷
black sheep 不肖子女
blame sb for sth 為某事責備某人
bleed white 花光血汗錢
blind alley 死胡同;失敗之路
blood in one's eye 極度憤怒
bloody fool (B.F.) 蠢材
blow hot and cold 喜怒無常
Blow it! 他媽的!
blow off steam 發脾氣
blow one's own horn 自吹自擂
blow one's top 怒髮衝冠
blow up 表現失常;吹風
body and breeches 完全
boil down to 歸結起來是;其結果是
boiling point 愛情的沸點
bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂
bone up on 努力研讀
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 出生富貴
born yesterday 乳臭未乾
bottoms up 乾杯
Bottoms up! 乾杯!
brain storm 心血來潮
brand new 嶄新的
break down 故障;毀壞
break in 適合
break it off 吹了


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