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Hello Everyone!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

This english forum too quiet, anyone can suggest some topic and have a chat here?
We can get this chance to make more new friends, and we can learn english too....
So hope someone can give some topic here...thanks

  • 子羽 經驗 +30 Thanks for visiting our forum. 2009-10-30 00:53
  • 子羽 金幣 +30 Thanks for visiting our forum. 2009-10-30 00:53


原帖由 martinwang 於 2009-10-23 11:43 發表 訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員
This english forum too quiet, anyone can suggest some topic and have a chat here?
We can get this chance to make more new friends, and we can learn english too....
So hope someone can give some topic  ...
Welcome here !
The communication language most use in DK101 forum is Chinese/Mandarin.
This English only sub-section doesn't work out or provide to conduct chatting function.
If you want to know more people here, please come to another sub-section to post articles or write your comments.


回覆 1樓 martinwang 的帖子

hey martin

nice to meet you!
i used to be on here more often.. but been so busy recently.. so..  lol
but.. anyways.. nice to see someone here again


Hi PaoHenLee...nice to meet you too....
i just came back from other place for celebrated halloween night,
i like to be here because can learn english....
hope can get more general knowledge from here...


回覆 4樓 martinwang 的帖子


you've went to a halloween party
noo~~  seems like i'm the only one who had a boring schedule this past weekend
man.. didn't do anything.. and didn't even got invited to a party


I'm too boring, that's why i organized a hallowen party in a pub,
i invite all my best friends to join it, my friends all very kindly,
they all came to support me....
maybe we can have a hallowen party next year if we invite more friends to join this forum and discuss together....


回覆 6樓 martinwang 的帖子

hey martin
i'm all for your idea man
party with the people here on this forum might be a good idea!
don't want to be bored again


nice meeting you all

so where are you guys?

any tips one how to improve english?
  • paohenlee 經驗 +10 hi and welcome! 2009-11-29 07:22
  • paohenlee 金幣 +10 hi and welcome! 2009-11-29 07:22


回覆 8樓 rkaede 的帖子

hi there!

hum.. tips?
i guess my only tip is to try and use it in your everyday life..
even if its just casual/everyday conversations helps you build on your confidence
and.. once you have the confidence to speak in English, the language skills will improve without even pushing it


all english here?..I must to learn english so I can say something here..


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