
[分享]Test Your English Series [9 Ebooks]

[分享]Test Your English Series [9 Ebooks]

1 Start Testing Your Vocabulary
Publisher: Penguin; 2Rev Ed edition (January 30, 1997)
ISBN: 0140816135
Author: Peter Watcyn-Jones
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2 Test Your Vocabulary 1
Author: Peter Watcyn-Jones
Publisher: Penguin Books
ISBN: 0582451663
One of a series of texts designed to help students improve their English vocabulary. The book contains 60 practice tests, crosswords, cartoons, gap-fills and more and is illustrated with tips on learning vocabulary, word lists and full answer keys. It can be used for self-study or in class.
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3 Test Your Reading
Publisher: Penguin Longman Publishing (March 27, 2002)
ISBN: 0582469058
Author: Michael Dean
Book Description
New paperback One of the Penguin English "Test your" guides, this book provides 60 tests, motivating, varied language practice with gap-fills, multiple choice, matching exercises, cartoons and more. They can be used either for self-study or in class. An answer key is provided
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4 Test Your Prepositions
Authors: Peter Watcyn-Jones, Jake Allsop
Publisher: Longman - Penguin
File Type: PDF
Book Description
One of nine books in the Test Your series - language practice with a difference! Ideal for self-study and classroom use.
- 60 tests to practise the most important grammar at First Certificate level
- Wide variety of tests, including gap-fills, multiple choice, matching exercises, cartoons, and full answer key
- Tips on specific grammar points and how best to prepare for the exam
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5 Test Your Business English -General Usage
Publisher: Penguin
Language: English
ISBN: 0140816488
This work provides an introduction to essential business English terms and vocabulary. The book is divided into five sections covering: selling, foreign trade, money, companies and management, and the office. It also contains 50 tests.
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6 Test Your Business English - Hotel and Catering
Publisher: Penguin Longman
Language: English
ISBN: 0140815937
This work aims to develop the vocabulary required by professionals and pre-service students. It contains clear test materials for around 500 key concepts and terms in the field of Hotel and Catering. The book is divided into eight chapters. Topics tested include hotel services, food and drink, management and financial services. The materials can be used as part of a language course for business professionals or for self-study. Each book contains an answer key and a word list.
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7 Test Your Professional English - Business: General [Ebook]
Publisher: Penguin Longman Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 0582451485
This text gives students of English for professional purposes over 500 words and expressions to refer to. It can be used for self-study or in-class. An answer key is provided.
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8 Test Your Professional English - Management [Ebook]
Publisher: Penguin Longman Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 0582468973
This text gives students of English for professional purposes over 500 words and expressions to refer to. It can be used for self-study or in-class. An answer key is provided.
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9 Test Your Professional English - Marketing
Author: Simon Sweeney
Publisher: Penguin Longman Publishing
ISBN: 0582451507
This text gives students of English for professional purposes over 500 words and expressions to refer to. It can be used for self-study or in-class. An answer key is provided.
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  • brucenien 經驗 +4 感謝您對論壇貢獻精品文章!! 2006-8-31 13:29
  • brucenien 金幣 +10 感謝您對論壇貢獻精品文章!! 2006-8-31 13:29




