
It was the strangest thing...

It was the strangest thing...

It  was  the  strangest  thing...

  Out in Kansas, tornadoes often hit with sudden devastation, without warning, and with unusual patterns of destruction. In one case, a house was completely whisked  away leaving only the foundation and first floor. A silver-haired farm lady was seen sitting dazed, in a bathtub, the only remaining part of the house left above the floor.

  The rescue  squad rushed to her aid and found her unhurt. She was just sitting there in the tub, talking to herself. "It was the strangest thing... it was the strangest thing..." she kept repeating dazedly.


  "What was the strangest thing, Ma'am?" asked one of the rescuers.

  "I was visiting my daughter here, taking a bath, and all I did was pull the plug and the whole darned house suddenly drained  away."



