
FW: I found this useful information from dk101.com: Microsoft Excel Quick Keys

FW: I found this useful information from dk101.com: Microsoft Excel Quick Keys

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Excel 一些快速鍵 ex. funtion keys, shortcut keys, and control combination

One of my friends just asked me about how to use shortcuts (or quick keys) while using Microsoft Excel. For example, quickly change tabs, and so on...Thus, I found this useful information from dk101.com, Microsoft Office Lnline, and Person Software Consulting Services. I wish these pieces of information are able to help you guys. The useful pieces of information are listed as below.

1. From Microsoft Office Online: Excel shortcut and function keys

    * Control Combination
    * Funtion Keys
    * Other useful shortcut keys

2.  Pearson Software Consulting Services [view] [download]

3. Source: 頂客論壇
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  • paohenlee 威望 +1 Super broadcast DK101! with understandi 2007-9-26 18:52


Thanks for the post!

i've been reading the past posts on "English Only" section and found your post here..
and i found it really useful!

followed your fist link to the site, i believe is your website, and found out that there are 200+ replies after reading the instruction

and the best part is... you recognize the source of this document and give out the link to original message

bravo to you


