
Mirror, mirror, tell me!!

Mirror, mirror, tell me!!

One day, Shrik, Angela Jolie, and Bill Gaz are gathering together having lunch.

Shrik says "I think I am the strongest man in the world, but how can I be sure?"

"I believe I am the richest guy in the world, but I never have it confirm." Bill says.

Angie talks "People say I am the hottest girl in the world, but I still have doubt."

All three agrees the only way to confirm these is to consult with the famous mirrow and decide to discuss further at lunch tomrrow.

The next day, Shrik walks in with smile, "I am the strongest man in the world."

Followed by Angie, "I am the hottest girl on earth as well."

But when Bill comes in with anger and ask "Who the hell is Chen Shuei Bien?"


ha ha this is a new funny Political Joke, i like it!
a lot of fun!
If you want to be rich, you've got to be a  bitc..... Chen Shuei Bien !


