
[分享] Korea Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival Ice-fishing Day Tour|Individual Visit

Korea Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival Ice-fishing Day Tour|Individual Visit

Korea Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival Ice-fishing Day Tour|Individual Visit|Chinese Driver|Charter Service

korea Yucheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd——Local tour for Individual Visit, Pickup Service, Charter Service, Day Tour, Chinese Driver and Tour Guide
Wechat:  yujeong1688   line:  @owm8584x  QQ:3372668827 Phone:+082-70-4467-0421(Mandarin、Cantonese、English speaking)

Korea Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival (華川山鱒魚慶典) is new cultural heritage of Korea, one of the 7 winter wonders, one of the 4 great winter festivals, it is also one of the top three Korean winter festivals with Pyeongchang Trout Festival and Inje Icefish Festival. Since 2003, the festival has been visited by a million people, making this festival more joyful. Grabbed or lured, you can roast your booty of Sancheoneo and eat. This is why it can attract many people to join this festival every year.

Travel Distance:It takes 3 hours to transit by car from Myeongdong
Address:Hwacheon-eup, Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon-do
冰上釣魚(Ice Fishing):
遊樂場(Ice Fun Park):
還能觀賞到象徵著鱒魚慶典的大型雪雕和冰雕等。另外可以享受到雪橇(Snow sledding)、雪上漂流、滑冰 (Ice sledding)、冰上自行車(Ice Biking)等遊樂專案。
雪橇・冰橇   滑雪橇和冰橇都是冰上的人氣專案,雪橇是在40m的高度下來,享受山鱒魚慶典場的夢幻風景。
噗通噗通雪車(Heart pounding bobsleigh) 代表冬季的運動!雪車!坐專用雪車到從雪車塔鏈接到慶典場的通路。像噗通噗通雪車的名字,享受一下刺激的雪車!
冰熊城    慶典場中心地的冰熊城周圍,每年以新主人公出現的雪雕是,多年在山鱒魚慶典做為照相背景的最高人氣場所。
冰熊自行車(Elgomi Bike)
冰球&冰壺 (Curling & Ice hockey)
分開天空(Zip-Line)(Haneulgareugi(Fly to the sky))
遊樂器具趣味樂園(花樣冰刀,蹦極跳等)(Rides fun park)
冰上足球 (Ice soccer)
Opening Date::2018.1.6——2018.1.28
Ticket Fee:Every game charges differently, please consult at site.
徒手抓魚(bare-handed fishing):
華川山鱒魚節慶典的另外一個亮點——bare-handed fishing
Opening Date: 2018.1.6——2018.1.28
Weekday 4 round(11AM,1PM,2PM,3PM),
Weekend 7 round(10AM,11AM, 12PM,1PM,2PM,3PM,4PM)
60 people per round/3 fish per person/Within 3 minutes

For more information about Korea Skiing and Ice-fishing Day Tour/ 2-day Tour/ 5-day Tour/6-day Tour/8-day Tour, please consult with korea Yucheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd
Specializing in Korea Customized Individual Visit Service~Package Tour, Charter Service, Tailor-made Itinerary and High-end Service
{Korea High-end Travel! YUCHENG is your only choice~}
facebook: @yuchengtour
Phone:+082-7044670421(Chinese Customer Service)


