
[轉貼] Special Beauty Pageant

Special Beauty Pageant

Many people enjoy beauty pageants and Lithuania is no exception, but one small Lithuanian village holds a pageant for goats rather than people.

All of the animals and their owners made an effort for the occasion, with some goats arriving in beautiful blue bonnets while others were adorned with flower garlands. The spectacle attracted quite a crowd – over 500 people came to catch a glimpse of the goats in all their glory.

Judges included a member of the parliament, the head of the local school and a cucumber farmer. They declared Demyte the most beautiful billy in the village, and the lucky goat had awards of cakes, jars of honey, books and coupons for a haircut.

Difficult words: beauty pageant (a beauty contest), exception (a special case for something), bonnet (a woman’s hat), adorn (make more beautiful), garland (a wreath of flowers and leaves, worn on the head or hung), spectacle (show), flock (come in large numbers), glimpse (a quick look), declare (officially say something), billy (billy goat – a male goat).


