
[分享] 輕巧、功能強大的混音大師:REAPER


REAPER v1.855
軟體分類: 多媒體剪輯
軟體性質: Freeware  
作業系統: Windows XP/2000
語言界面: 英文  
原創公司: 訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員
聽過 PUB 裡頭經過混音的舞曲嗎?動感十足、震撼人心,是否也讓你覺得酷到不行呢?現在你有機會製作自己的電子混音舞曲了,只要透過 REAPER 的幫助,你也能夠輕鬆成為大師級人物。

許多去過 PUB 的人都一定會覺得 PUB 裡的混音搖頭舞曲實在是酷到不行,雖然那震耳欲聾的聲音實在不適合長時間聆聽,但是如果只是為了短時間的休閒,那又何妨呢?現在你也有機會在家自己製作屬於自己的混音舞曲了,只要透過 REAPER 的幫助就可以了。

REAPER 是一款免費的音樂混音軟體,它與一般動輒數萬塊的混音軟體不同,少了龐大的體積,但是功能上可是一點都不含糊喔!你能夠透過 REAPER 來同時導入數首音樂,並且對他們進行從新編排、結合、延遲、特效添加等動作,並且導出最後的結果成 WAV 檔案,讓你的朋友們也能夠欣賞到你所製作的混音舞曲。

而像 REAPER 功能如此強大卻又體積小巧的軟體,難道會一直免費下去嗎?其實不然,開發者只打算在 1.0 版之前讓它當個免費軟體而已,因此還沒試用的使用者趕緊趁著它還是免費軟體時下載一套以備將來的不時之需吧!

REAPER Screenshots

Above: REAPER with the Stealth colortheme

Above: REAPER playing multitrack audio with most windows visible, inclluding the MIDI editor, ReaFir effect, performance meter, navigator, and video preview window.. Appearance: default colortheme, icon set.

Above: REAPER playing multitrack audio with most windows hidden. Appearance: default colortheme, icon set.

Above: REAPER zoomed in on a single track in a multitrack scenario, with some crossfades among items in the track. The mixer window is visible and docked. Appearance: Winamp colortheme and icon set.

Above: REAPER with the FX browser opened to a custom folder, filtering to show only items with "simul" in their titles. Also visible is ReaFIR, REAPER's FFT analyzer/EQ/dynamics processor. Appearance: Akoustic colortheme/icon set.

Above: REAPER with the Routing Matrix open (allowing you to quickly and easily set up complex routing, choose recording inputs, and more), the Undo History window is open, and the Navigator is visible (near the top of the screen). Also of note is the master track is visible, and with it a playspeed envelope is set (allowing playback speed and pitch to change on the fly, much like changing the speed of tape). Appearance: a slight variation on the default colortheme, and the default iconset.

Above: REAPER with the midi editor opened and docked, editing drums. Appearance: Sink_Ableskin colortheme, Alpha icon set.

Above: REAPER with the routing control panel for Track 1 open. This track has two auxiliary sends to two reverb tracks, each sending having its own volume/pan settings (and more).

Above: REAPER with the envelope panel for Track 19 open. This panel allows you to quickly activate and deactivate envelopes for each track. The mixer is also visible, in an undocked state. Appearance: LasVegas colortheme, oldschool iconset.

For older screenshots, check out 訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員 .

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